The Label Factory can produce quality labels for every household product. They can be paper or synthetic labels, they may be laminated, and we have the option of using refrigeration grade adhesive.

Labels that help your household products find a home


We can produce attractive labels, from one colour right up to seven colours with embellishments like foiling, embossing and varnishing. If barcodes and QR codes are essential components of the labels, we can incorporate these into the design.

Cleaning products usually require a synthetic stock to retain the appearance of the label from first opening to the last use. Lamination and varnish are perfect for enhancing the label’s appearance, along with a creative and colourful design.

Garden products come in all kinds of packaging, so our print experts will advise on the best label stock and adhesive to use. Soft packaging usually requires a thin polypropylene stock with a strong adhesive, while rigid items can have either paper, vinyl or polypropylene labels. An overall varnish protects the label from scuffing or content spillage.

Household product labels must often be applied to tricky shaped containers that are squeezable, contoured, or rigid. The label needs to conform to the shape. Our committed team of label specialists can advise you on the best options for all your household product labels.

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